Funny mustard jokes

Here you will find great collection of corny, tasty and funny mustard jokes for all foodies, food lovers and anyone else who likes mustards. This funny collection of friendly and delicious jokes, riddles and puns about mustard are clean and safe for everyone. Share these mustard jokes and other food jokes with your friends so you can laugh out loud togheter!

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Did you hear ketchup and mustard are moving in together?
How did the hotdog ask the ketchup out?
I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to ketchup to me.
What do you call a discount for mustard?
What do you call a singing bottle of mustard?
What do you call a soldier that's survived mustard gas and pepper spray?
What do you get if you cross a doll with some ketchup, honey, mustard and onions in Kansas City?
What do you give to a dog with a fever?
Why was mustard racing ketchup?
Why was the hamburger thrown out of the army?

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