Here you will find great collection of corny, tasty and funny soybean jokes for all foodies, food lovers and anyone else who likes soybeans. This funny collection of friendly and delicious jokes, riddles and puns about soybean are clean and safe for everyone. Share these soybean jokes and other food jokes with your friends so you can laugh out loud togheter!
Back to IngredientHow does pizza sauce introduce itself at a fiesta?Answer: Yo no soy marinara
What did the bottle of milk say to the Mexican?Answer: Soy milk.
What did the edamame say to the lentil?Answer: How have you bean?
What do soybeans call their mother?Answer: Edamame
What do you call a vegetarian post-punk band?Answer: Soy Division.
What if soy just regular milk introducing itself in Spanish?
What music do vegan goths listen to?Answer: Soy division
What's another name for a Soy Mocha Latte?Answer: 3 bean soup
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