Here you will find great collection of corny, tasty and funny sandwich jokes for all foodies, food lovers and anyone else who likes sandwichs. This funny collection of friendly and delicious jokes, riddles and puns about sandwich are clean and safe for everyone. Share these sandwich jokes and other food jokes with your friends so you can laugh out loud togheter!
Back to BakingA ham sandwich walks into a bar and the bartender yells out, "Hey! We don't serve ham sandwiches here." To which the ham sandwich replies, "That's okay, I just wanted a drink."
A sandwich walks into a bar and the bartender says, "I'm sorry, we don't serve food here."
How did Bob Marley like his sandwiches?Answer: With jam in
How do dogs make sandwiches?Answer: With purebred.
What did the bully have for lunch?Answer: He had a knuckle sandwich!
What did the caveman order at the cafeteria?Answer: A Club Sandwich
What did the grilled cheese sandwich say to their date?Answer: You make me melt.
What did the policeman have on his sandwich?Answer: Some traffic jam!
What did the vegetables say to the Sandwich?Answer: Lettuce all smile.
What do cows like to put on their sandwiches?Answer: MOOstard
What do elves make sandwiches with?Answer: Shortbread
What do you call a religious animal that loves sandwiches?Answer: The Deli Llama.
What do you eat at the beach?Answer: A Sand-wich
What do you get if you cross a pig and a witch with sand?Answer: A ham sandwich
What do you get when you eat a sandwich in bed?Answer: Bedcrumbs
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