Here you will find great collection of corny, tasty and funny milkshake jokes for all foodies, food lovers and anyone else who likes milkshakes. This funny collection of friendly and delicious jokes, riddles and puns about milkshake are clean and safe for everyone. Share these milkshake jokes and other food jokes with your friends so you can laugh out loud togheter!
A rope walked into a restaurant and ordered a milkshake. The waiter said, ‘Are you a rope?’ The rope said, ‘Yes.’ The waiter said, ‘We don’t serve ropes.’ So, the rope went out and burnt off his ends and tied himself into a knot. The rope went back into the restaurant and ordered a milkshake. The waiter asked, ‘Are you a rope?’ The rope said, ‘No, I’m a frayed knot.’
Chuck Norris's version of a "chocolate milkshake" is a raw porterhouse wrapped around ten Hershey bars, and doused in diesel fuel.
How do you make a milkshake?Answer: Give it a good scare!
What do you call a cow in an earthquake?Answer: A milkshake
What do you call a cow stuck in a hurricane?Answer: A milkshake
What do you call a milkshake from Abu Dhabi?Answer: MilkSheikh
What do you call a mythical milkshake?Answer: Legendairy
What do you call an Arab next to a cow?Answer: Milk Sheikh!
What do you get if you put a cow on a trampoline?Answer: A milk shake.
What do you get when you cross a cow with a trampoline?Answer: A milkshake!
What's pink and stiff?Answer: Strawberry milkshake with vodka.
Where do milkshakes come from?Answer: Nervous cows
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