Here you will find great collection of corny, tasty and funny cream jokes for all foodies, food lovers and anyone else who likes creams. This funny collection of friendly and delicious jokes, riddles and puns about cream are clean and safe for everyone. Share these cream jokes and other food jokes with your friends so you can laugh out loud togheter!
Back to IngredientDoctor, doctor! I've a strawberry stuck in my ear!Answer: Don't worry, I've some cream for that!
What are the most dangerous recipes?Answer: Ones that call for squashes and whipped cream.
What did the coffee say to the cream?Answer: I can not espresso my feelings for you but I love your latte.
What did the doctor tell the patient with the raspberry growing out of his head?Answer: Just put some cream on it.
What do Ginger Baker and black coffee have in common?Answer: They both suck without Cream.
What do you call a cynical cow?Answer: Sour cream.
What do you get if you cross a cow with a ghost?Answer: Vanishing cream.
What does a ghost have in his morning coffee?Answer: Scream and sugar
Why are chefs cruel?Answer: Because they batter fish, beat eggs and whip cream!
Why are cooks cruel?Answer: Because they whip cream and beat eggs!
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