How does a chef get to work?Answer: He woks.
How many chefs does it take to change a light bulb?Answer: One to do it, and five others to tell him how they did it differently in their last kitchen.
How many chefs does it take to stuff a turkey?Answer: One, but you really have to cram him in there.
How many pastry chefs does it take to make a pie?Answer: 3.14
Jesus and Michelin Star chefs have one thing in common.
They can both feed 5,000 people with 2 loaves of bread and 5 fish.
My blond wife said she was a gourmet chef, I asked her to make ceviche.
She burned it.
The husband and the wife were having dinner at a fancy restaurant
A few minutes later, the dinner was served.
Husband: The food looks great. Let's eat.
Wife: But honey, you always say a prayer before eating at home.
Husband: That's at home, sweetie. I'm sure the chef here knows how to cook.
The Italian chef who died, he pasta way.
What are chefs always trying the win?Answer: The Hunger Games.
What did the black guy say to the chef?Answer: What Ja-maican?
What did the chef do with his laddle after he got his first paycheck?Answer: He souped it up.
What did the chef say to the skeleton?Answer: BONE Apetit!
What did the French chef give his wife for Valentine's Day?Answer: A hug and a quiche!
What did the french chef say when the cheese factory exploded?Answer: Looks like we have debris all over the place!
What did the Native American do after culinary school?Answer: He became a Souix chef.
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