What is a chefs weapon of choice?Answer: A salt rifle
What is the best paying job in the world?Answer: I don’t know, but pizza chefs sure make a lot of dough
What is the chef's favorite thing to do?Answer: Cut the cheese.
What music do chefs play in the kitchen?Answer: Wok N Roll
What type of knife do chefs use to connect to Bluetooth?Answer: A pairing knife
What's a chef's favourite drug?Answer: Pot
What's worse than finding hair in your food?Answer: Finding out the chef is bald.
Who is second in command in the kitchen at a Native American owned restaurant?Answer: The Sioux chef
Why am I scared of french pastry chefs?Answer: They give me the crepes.
Why are chefs cruel?Answer: Because they batter fish, beat eggs and whip cream!
Why are chefs good lovers?Answer: Because they understand the pan needs to be hot before putting their meat in
Why are cooks cruel?Answer: Because they whip cream and beat eggs!
Why could the chef not cook a tree branch?Answer: Because he used a non-stick pan.
Why did the chef add extra oregano to the sauce?Answer: He was making up for lost thyme.
Why did the chef cover Pete with dough, sauce and pepperoni?Answer: Because Pete’s a pan.
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