Here you will find great collection of corny, tasty and funny cabbage jokes for all foodies, food lovers and anyone else who likes cabbages. This funny collection of friendly and delicious jokes, riddles and puns about cabbage are clean and safe for everyone. Share these cabbage jokes and other food jokes with your friends so you can laugh out loud togheter!
A cabbage and a carrot get into a race, who wins?Answer: The cabbage, it's a head.
A man goes to the doctor with a carrot in his nose, cabbage in his ears and ham over his eyes.
“What’s wrong with me doc?” He asks.
The doctor replies “Well it looks like you’re not eating right.”
How did the farmer fix his jeans?Answer: With a cabbage patch!
How does a farmer mend his pants?Answer: With Cabbage patches.
If a carrot and a cabbage ran a race, which one would win?Answer: The cabbage, because it’s a head.
If you plant the cabbage first, it will have a head start.
What did the cabbage pastor say to his congregation?Answer: Lettuce pray
What do you call a cabbage that's in love?Answer: Head over heels.
What do you call a cabbage with a body?Answer: Head and shoulders above the rest.
What do you call a cabbage’s murder?Answer: A slaw-ter
What do you tell a cabbage that's down in the dumps?Answer: Hold your head up high.
What does a cabbage outlaw have?Answer: A price on his head.
What does cabbage say at the salad bar?Answer: Lettuce pray.
What is a taxi driver’s favorite kind of vegetable?Answer: A Cab-bage!
What is another name for brussels sprouts?Answer: Cabbage patch kids.
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